var DICT = {"js_unknownError": "Unknown error", "emailSent": "Authorization e-mail was sent.", "js_requestError": "Error during server request", "errfile": "No file selected.", "registration": {"licence": "Agreement on the use of Feedback Loop programme

By registering in the Feedback Loop programme (hereinafter referred to as the \u201cProgramme\u201d or \u201cFeedback loop\u201d), you agree to the terms of this Agreement.

You hereby enter into this Agreement as a Feedback Loop user (hereinafter referred to as the \"User\") with, a.s., with its registered office at Radlick\u00e1 3294/10, 150 00, Prague 5, Company ID no.: 26168685, registered in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, File 6493 (hereinafter referred to as \\u201d).

The Feedback Loop programme is provided by free of charge and serves for using the anti-spam protection of the free service. The email box user of is authorized to mark received emails as spam. If your sent email is marked as spam, as a registered user in the Programme, we will send you information via the Programme regarding which email address marked you as spam, and we will ask you to no longer send your business offers or emails of another nature to this email address. By using the Programme, you agree not to send emails to entities that mark your emails as spam within the Programme. bears no responsibility for the quality or functionality of the Programme. also bears no responsibility for damage caused by the use of the Programme or registration in the Programme, or for any other damage indirectly associated with the use of the Programme. reserves the right to terminate the Programme. hereby reserves the right to unilaterally change these conditions, especially after legislative changes, technical changes within the Programme or related services or in the case of changes in the operational, organisational or business processes of shall inform the User about any change via the service interface at least 7 days before the change takes effect. The User is entitled to refuse to accept the change and stop using the Programme. If the User continues to use the Programme after the conditions change, it is deemed to have accepted the change.

When processing personal data, the Operator proceeds in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), Act No 110/2019 Coll., on personal data protection, Act No 111/2019 Coll., amending selected acts in relation to the adoption of the Act On the Processing of Personal Data, Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on certain services of information societies, Act No. 127/2005 Coll., on electronic communications, and other legislation governing personal data protection.

For the purpose of the use of the Programme by the User, is entitled to process the personal data of the User or personal data provided or entered by the User for the purpose of using the Programme (especially personal data). Such processing of personal data is legal because it is necessary for the performance of the contract on the basis of which the User uses the Programme which the User is a party of as the data subject.

If the User has forwarded or will forward to personal data of other natural persons, the User shall inform these persons that their personal data is being processed, thus ensuring the legitimacy of said data processing. Otherwise, the User shall be responsible for related damage caused to

More information on the handling of personal data is specified in the relevant section of the website.

These conditions come into force and effect on 15 Jul 2019.

", "error": {"missing": "Required field", "bad_email": "Empty or invalid email", "phone_wrong": "Invalid phone number", "bad_domain_id": "Invalid domain id", "bad_domain": "Empty or invalid domain name", "existing_triplet": "Duplicate record. Please edit the existing record.", "bad_regex": "Invalid regular expression", "bad_selector": "Empty selector", "ok": "Ok", "email_wrong": "Invalid email", "bad_response": "Invalid email for reply", "unknown": "Unknown error"}, "firstname": "First Name", "company": "Company", "phone": "Phone number", "check1": "by clicking Save you agree to", "check2": "license terms and conditions", "email": "Email", "title": "Feedback Loop \u2013 Registration", "lastname": "Last Name"}, "fbl": {"domain": {"regex": "Regular expression", "addDomain": "+ Add domain name", "empty": "No record found", "load": "Upload", "delete": "Remove domain name", "admin": "Domain management", "pagePrev": "Previous Page", "result": "Result", "deleteConfirm": "Do you really want to delete this record?", "abuse": "Abuse", "regexp": "Regex", "domaintext": "Domain from DKIM.", "edit": "Edit domain", "uploadhelptext": "You can upload a csv file which contains a list of domains instead of entering them by hand.", "pageNext": "Next Page", "header": "Header name", "selectortext": "Selector from DKIM. It is possible to use * for all selectors.", "loadCSV": "Upload CSV file", "resend": {"ok": "Send", "cancel": "Close"}, "addDomaincsv": "+ Add domain names from file", "pending": "Send a confirmation email again", "state": "State", "headertext": "(optional) Your Custom email header containing client id (id with a maximum length of 128 characters).", "selector": "Selector", "data": "Data", "uploadhelp": "Upload file", "regtext": "(optional) Regular expression used to search for client id in email header (defined above).", "chooseConfirmMail": "Select confirmation email", "postmaster": "Postmaster", "reallyResend": "Send a confirmation e-mail again?", "domain": "Domain", "confirmText": "Send a confirmation e-mail again?", "consumer": "Report consumer", "consumertext": "Email address that will receive reports."}, "text": "

Be aware of your recipients' reactions to your emails

Feedback loop from is a free feedback tool, that allows a registered bulk mail sender to receive feedback on who marked their email messages delivered to Email as spam.

You will have the knowledge about the effect of your email campaigns on people. Effectively deliver messages only to people who are interested in receiving them. Remove recipients that marked your messages as spam from your database \u2013 avoid damaging the reputation of your IP address. Each additional complaint further lowers your reputation and there is a real risk that your messages will be automatically delivered to spam folder or blocked altogether.

What are the requirements to get involved in Email feedback loop?

An example settings and the FBL reports are available here.

", "menu": {"welcome": "Introduction", "contact": "Contact information", "domain": "Domain management", "re": "Regular expression testing"}, "title": "Feedback loop"}, "whitelist": {"text": "Unfortunately, does not accept requests for whitelisting.", "title": "Whitelisting"}, "js_cancel": "Cancel", "logout": "Logout", "login": "Login", "statistics": {"customerLabel": "Show data for campaign:", "params": {"to": "To", "from": "From", "redraw": "Redraw"}, "show": "Zobrazit", "saveCSV": "Save as CSV", "labels": {"AUTOBLOCKED_BY_USERS": {"text": "Number of delivered emails automatically redirected to the spam folder. Recipient considers your messages unwanted and decided to act against them. See also Codex.", "title": "Automatically SPAM"}, "READ_BY_USERS": {"text": "Number of read/opened emails.", "title": "Read messages"}, "USER_REACTIONS": {"text": "The following is based on data for pairs of domains (smtp MAIL FROM + header From:) typical for DKIM signature corresponding to this FBL registration.", "title": "User reactions"}, "SPAM_EMAILS": {"text": "Number of emails heading for spam folder.", "title": "Spam"}, "NEWSLETTER_EMAILS": {"text": "Number of emails heading for newsletter folder.", "title": "Newsletters"}, "TOTAL_EMAILS": {"text": "The total number of received emails.", "title": "Total"}, "ANTISPAM_ISSUES": {"text": "The following is based on data for pairs of domains (smtp MAIL FROM + header From:) typical for DKIM signature corresponding to this FBL registration.", "title": "Deliverability analysis"}, "MARKED_AS_SPAM_BY_USERS": {"text": "Number of messages marked as spam by users.", "title": "Marked as spam"}, "INBOX_EMAILS": {"text": "Number of emails heading for inbox folder.", "title": "Inbox"}, "LINKS_CLICKED_BY_USERS": {"text": "Number of links clicked by users.", "title": "Clicked links"}}, "chartsPlaceholder": "We have no data for the chosen interval.", "text": "", "domainLabel": "Show data for domain:", "title": "Statistics", "userLabel": "Show data for user:"}, "fblservice": "Feedback loop Service", "config": {"text": "

Recommended server configuration

If you sometimes encounter problems when delivering email messagess to, review the following recommended server configuration:

Per IP: 500 connections per each 5 minute interval, up to 100 000 messages containing 180 MB of data total

In case of delivery problems please contact the technical support.

", "title": "Server Configuration"}, "emailNotFound": "Your domain wasn't yet registered.", "js_notAllowedError": "Permission denied", "example": {"linkTitle": "Example", "title": "Feedback loop", "confirmationemail": "Confirmation email: abuse or postmaster"}, "emailErrSend": "Internal error. Please try it later.", "agreement": {"text": "

Do not underestimate the value of recipient's permission

", "title": "Recipient's Permission"}, "confirm_email": {"plain": "Almost there!\nTo confirm the registration of {domain} domain in Feedback loop program, please click the following link:\n\n{link}\n\nThe link is valid for 24 hours.\n\nIf you received this email by mistake, you can go ahead and delete it.\n\nThank you,\nSeznam Team", "subject": "Registration Confirmation", "html": "Almost there!

To confirm the registration of {domain} domain in Feedback loop program, please click the following link:

The link is valid for 24 hours.
If you received this email by mistake, you can go ahead and delete it.

Thank you,
Seznam Team"}, "emailActive": "Your domain was already authorized.", "okduplicated": "Some records were ignored, because they were duplicate.", "reg_continue": "Continue", "alert": {"reallyDelete": "Really delete the item?", "ok": "OK", "no": "No", "yes": "Yes"}, "errunknownrequest": "Specified domain not found.", "access": {"result": {"createdAPIKey": "Created a new API key: \"%s\"", "deletedAPIKey": "Deleted the API key: \"%s\"", "notRegistered": "Shared user has to register and agree to licence terms at", "unknownUser": "User \"%s\" not found.", "userAllowed": "Added \"%s\" to allowed users.", "userDeleted": "User's access was successfully revoked."}, "APIKey": "API key", "APIText": "List of valid API keys for remote access to the statistics. For detailed description of the API see the documentation.", "createAPIKey": "Generate a new key", "text": "Users listed in the table below can view statistics of domains registered under your account.", "noAPIKeys": "No active API keys", "deleteAPIKey": "Delete key", "APITitle": "API keys", "viewer": "User", "placeholder": "", "title": "Access sharing", "newViewer": "Allow access to another user"}, "oksaved": "Your settings were saved.", "unsubscribe": {"text": "

Make opt out easier for your recipients

If you want to minimize the amount of your messages that end up in trash or spam folders, let your recipients opt out of receiving future emails easily, directly through Email interface. All that is required is inserting a short text in your message headers, then you get a message with each recipient who no longer wishes to receive your emails. This will allow you to efficiently remove recipients who no longer wish to receive emails from your database, thus improving your credibility.

The following text should be present in your message headers:

List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:email@address.domain?subject=text&body=text>

Choose an email address email@address.domain to receive the messages containing opt out information. Optional parameters following the question mark can then be used to define the subject and the body of the opt out message.


List-Unsubscribe: <>

", "title": "List Unsubscribe"}, "errors": {"500": {"text": "N\u011bco se u n\u00e1s pokazilo,
opakujte po\u017eadavek znovu po n\u011bkolika minut\u00e1ch. Pokud tato chyba p\u0159etrv\u00e1v\u00e1, kontaktujte pros\u00edm na\u0161i technickou podporu na str\u00e1nk\u00e1ch n\u00e1pov\u011bdy.", "title": "N\u011bco se u n\u00e1s pokazilo,", "help_link": ""}, "401": {"text": "

We are sorry, you are not authorized to access this page.

", "title": "Access denied"}, "404": {"text": "

P\u0159i prov\u00e1d\u011bn\u00ed Va\u0161eho po\u017eadavku do\u0161lo k t\u00e9to chyb\u011b:

Str\u00e1nka, kterou jste si cht\u011bli prohl\u00e9dnout, neexistuje.
Zkontrolujte pros\u00edm zadanou adresu.

", "title": "Chyba 404 - Str\u00e1nka nenalezena", "help_link": ""}}, "easy_unsubscribe": {"text": "

Valid opt-out link is mandatory

Each and every commercial message must contain a simple and visible way to opt out of receiving future messages \u2013 this is required by law.

Identify the recipient's email address and information about where you got that email from in your message's footer.

Allow users to unsubscribe with a single click.

", "title": "Simple way to unsubscribe"}, "errunknown": "Unknown error. Please try again later.", "recommendation": {"text": "

Pay special attention to these email message format recommendations:

Furthermore, when sending bulk email, consider the following recommendations:

", "title": "Recommended Format"}, "username": "Username", "errparsing": "Error while processing csv file. Please make sure that csv file is in proper format. ", "errcreate": "User is already registered.", "js_edit": "Edit", "okwitherrors": "Some records were ignored, because they contained errors.", "uploadcsv": "Upload csv file", "homepage": {"text": "

Recommendations for commercial email senders, whose primary intent is to send advertisement or promote a product or service.

Are you trying to ensure that your commercial messages do not end up in a spam or trash folder of Email's user? Take a look at the following advice. It should help you to increase the credibility of both your business emails and help your business.

", "title": "Sending Bulk Email to Email"}, "database": {"text": "

Take care of your database

Do a database clean-up before you send each campaign. If a recipient unsubscribes from your emails, act on it without delays.

Remove undeliverable email addresses from your database.

Consider removing inactive and unresponsive recipients from your database.

", "title": "Database of recipients"}, "verify": {"result": {"expired": "Verification code expired.", "noKey": "No verification code entered.", "ok": "Your domain has been succesfully verified.", "badKey": "Bad verification code entered.", "unknowReason": "Unexpected error.", "verificationFail": "Nepoda\u0159ilo se ov\u011b\u0159it ov\u011b\u0159ovac\u00ed k\u00f3d.", "notFound": "Request not found.", "alreadyVerified": "This domain has already been verified."}, "title": "Domain verification"}, "js_unverified": "Not verified", "js_save": "Save", "errcsrf": "Token time limit expired.", "apidoc": {"title": "API Documentation"}, "save": "Save", "cancel": "Cancel", "menu": {"technical": "Technical information", "database": "Database of Recipients", "basic_rules": "Basic Rules", "easy_unsubscribe": "Simple Way to Unsubscribe", "access_admin": "Access sharing", "tools": "Tools", "whitelist": "Whitelisting", "recommendation": "Recommended Format", "feedbackloop": "Feedback loop", "agreement": "Recipient's Permission", "affiliate": "Affiliate marketing", "rules": "Rules of Law", "statistics": "Statistics", "unsubscribe": "List Unsubscribe", "config": "Server Configuration", "codex": "Codex"}, "uploadcsvbutton": "Upload", "date_placeholder": "DD.MM.RRRR", "affiliate": {"text": "

Are your taking part in an affiliate marketing program? Be careful.

", "title": "Recommendations for Affiliate Marketing"}, "oklogout": "Logout successful", "rules": {"text": "

What happens when rules set by the law are not adhered to?

Act No. 480/2004 Coll., on Certain Information Society Services (CZ - 480/2004 Sb., o n\u011bkter\u00fdch slu\u017eb\u00e1ch informa\u010dn\u00ed spole\u010dnosti) has the following to say:

Penalty for natural person \u2013 \u00a7 10a

  1. A natural person breaks the law by sending repeatedly or in bulk commercial messages by electronic means.
  2. A fine up to CZK 100 000 can be imposed on a natural person breaking the law.

Because the penalty for sending unsolicited commercial messages can only be applied to the sender and not the entity who benefits from messages sent, it was necessary to react to a certain situation where penalties could have been avoided. Such situation manifested itself as unsolicited messages being sent by a natural person. When selecting the amount of penalties imposed, special care will be taken to look at displays of both repeatedness and total volume.

Newly changed \u00a7 11:

“(1) A fine of up to CZK 10 000 000 shall be imposed on a legal person that uses electronic means to repeatedly or massively disseminate unsolicited commercial communications

  1. without recipient's permission,
  2. not clearly marked as commercial email,
  3. disguising or concealing the identity of the sender on whose behalf the communication was made,
  4. containing no address to which the recipient might send a request for termination of such communication or
  5. withour enabling the recipient to easily, clearly, freely opt in or opt out of using recipient's email address to receive such communication on the occasion of sending of each individual message.”
", "title": "Rules of Law"}, "errlogout": "Error during logout.", "reg_thanks": "Thank you for registering", "js_del": "Delete"};